Modern Plumbing Industries, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Water Heater Repair’

When to Address a Water Heater Problem

Monday, September 5th, 2022

Your heater or furnace is probably the first thing you think of when considering heating appliances that sometimes need maintenance, repair, or replacement. But unlike your home’s heating system, which gets to take a break during the summer, your water heater is working all year long, supplying plentiful hot water every day. It deserves some appreciation for everything it does, and it definitely deserves your attentiveness when something does go wrong.

So how can you tell when there’s a problem with your water heater that requires professional help? There are several things you can be on the lookout for. If you notice any of these signs, it’s time to seek out qualified water heater repair in Orlando.

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It’s Time to Repair Your Water Heater

Monday, November 2nd, 2020

When was the last time you thought of your home’s water heater? We’re challenging you to take some time to think about it today. Your water heater tends to be one of those appliances that you take for granted until something goes wrong with the unit. If you’re looking for better water heater service, it’s a great idea to start with the help of our professionals.

If you’re looking for a great water heater in Orlando, FL, we’re going to help you get the work you need. Your water heater work doesn’t have to be complicated, but you don’t want to undersell its importance. Make sure our professionals provide the expert services you need–we’ll take care of you every step of the way.

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Is it Time to Schedule Water Heater Repairs?

Monday, February 10th, 2020

toolsAs the leaves start falling, you begin baking apple pies and thinking about the colder weather ahead. Winter is coming, and you need to get your water heater up and running. A working water heater is essential to ensure your heater is fully equipped to keep you and your family cozy all winter.

Nobody wants to heat buckets of water over an open fire and pour the water into a tub just to bathe or do their laundry. If your water heater is not working properly, you need to schedule water heater repairs in Orlando, FL. Otherwise, you might have to resort to using cold water.

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Run Out of Hot Water? This Could Be Why!

Monday, November 18th, 2019

Shower-HeadIf you live in Sanford, FL, you might have experienced a situation like this. You get up on a cold winter morning, and you want to step into a hot shower to rejuvenate yourself for the day ahead. You step into the shower, and you’re enjoying the warm water gently kissing your skin. Gradually, you feel that the water is becoming colder and colder until it becomes a frozen nightmare.

The whole part about getting a relaxing yet rejuvenating start to the morning is ruined. You ran out of hot water. It is one of the most frustrating things in the world, especially if you live with several people. You need hot water for everybody.

We’re going to discuss the multiple reasons you could be running out of hot water before you should. There are some issues you can resolve yourself while others need the expertise and training of a professional. And remember, if you ever need a Sanford, FL, plumber, you can always contact Modern Plumbing Industries, Inc.

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Uh-oh! Cold Water! Is Your Water Heater in Trouble?

Monday, April 22nd, 2019

There is nothing quite worse than stepping into your shower only to be met by icy cold water. And we are willing to bet that many of you have experienced this before. If you are currently operating a less-than-great water heater, then it is most definitely time for a tune-up! Scheduling your water heater service in Orlando at the first sign of a problem is the best way to ensure that your morning shower is steamy rather than freezy.

Of course, there’s the obvious symptom of a water heater in disrepair: cold water. But, are there any other signs? Plenty of homeowners are operating faulty water heaters and don’t even know it! So below, we have listed some of the signs that suggest its time to schedule your water heater repairs. Keep reading to find out more! 

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Why Corrosion Is (Usually) Not a Problem for a Water Heater

Monday, February 26th, 2018

water-heater-tankWhen water meets metal, there’s a danger of corrosion starting. Corrosion is a chemical reaction between water and metal in the presence of oxygen, and the damage it causes to metal can quickly ruin many types of appliances as it weakens the metal until it starts to crumble away.

The water heater in your home is primarily made of metal and it stores and circulates water. So why doesn’t it start to rust? Corrosion is rare in water heaters, usually only starting late in the system’s life. there are several reasons for it.

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How a Water Softener Can Save Your Water Heater

Monday, January 29th, 2018

Orlando-Water -eaterHard water is bad news for a home in many ways. Here are a few:

  • It makes it tough to work up soap lather, turning simple cleaning and showering into hassles.
  • It leaves buildup on the inside of pipes that lowers water pressure and leads to clogs.
  • It stains laundry and dishes and leads to faded clothing.

But worst of all the problems with hard water is what it does to water-using appliances. The water heater is the most vulnerable. Hard water and a water heater are a bad mixture—and it usually ends tragically for the water heater.

We recommend you call a plumber in Apopka, FL if you have hard water in your home. A plumber can install the best solution—a whole-house water softener. This fixes all the problems we mentioned above, and it may save your water heater from an early replacement.

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What to Do When You Don’t Have Any Hot Water

Monday, December 18th, 2017

showerhead-waterFlorida homes have few worries with their heating systems during the mild winters. But there is one residential heating system that works all through the season—and the other three seasons as well. It’s the water heater. You rely on your water heater to bring hot water to taps, showers, bathtubs, and appliances every day.

What happens when you switch on the hot water one day and find that there isn’t any? Is something wrong with the water heater? It’s possible you’ve got a serious water heater issue, but there are some other things to check as well.

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Does Corrosion Mean the End of the Line for My Water Heater?

Monday, July 31st, 2017

Orlando-Water -eaterCorrosion is metal’s biggest enemy, and it’s fair to say that nobody wants any appliance they own to suffer from the weakening effects of corrosion. It’s one that especially applies to water heaters, which combine metal, water, and oxygen—the perfect mixture to start the chemical reaction that leads to corrosion.

Fortunately for your water heater, it was designed with the dangers of rust and other forms of corrosion in mind. It has a number of safety designs to keep rust away: the inside of the tank is lined with glass; an overfill tank creates an air cushion for the water pressure without actually allowing oxygen into the tank; and a special device called an anode rod that runs from the top the bottom of the tank attracts corrosion to it so that it rather than the tank corrodes.

However, corrosion still can’t be prevented 100%. Your water heater may at some point start to show signs of corrosion. If this occurs, is it automatically time to replace the water heater?

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Some Important Water Heater Safety Tips

Monday, February 27th, 2017

water-heater-plumbing-toolsYou may have heard stories about water heaters that turn into rockets that blast through the roof and into the sky because they haven’t been kept in good repair. This may sound a ­bit exaggerated, but it has been known to happen on occasion. (There was even a Mythbusters episode that discovered it’s not a myth.) But there are other smaller dangers that can develop in water heaters if they don’t receive regular care and some checks now and then.

We’ve put together a few tips to make sure that your water heater stays safe all around the year—and stays in great working condition. When you need extra assistance, such as repairs and maintenance, our plumbers can take care of it.

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