Modern Plumbing Industries, Inc. Blog: Archive for February, 2020

Could Your Drains Use a Good Cleaning?

Monday, February 24th, 2020

drainAfter you shower or use the tub, do you notice a pool of water accumulating and then staying stagnant in the tub or shower for a few minutes to an hour? If yes, then you probably have a drainage problem. If water does not immediately go down the drain while you shower or use the sink, then there is a problem with your drain. Specifically speaking, you have a slow drain.

A stagnant pool of water in your tub or sink can be disheartening. After all, you’d expect the water to go down the drain immediately after you’re done bathing or taking a shower. The good news is that there are services that perform drain cleaning in Orlando, FL that can help you fix the slow drain in your bathroom, kitchen, or elsewhere.

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Is it Time to Schedule Water Heater Repairs?

Monday, February 10th, 2020

toolsAs the leaves start falling, you begin baking apple pies and thinking about the colder weather ahead. Winter is coming, and you need to get your water heater up and running. A working water heater is essential to ensure your heater is fully equipped to keep you and your family cozy all winter.

Nobody wants to heat buckets of water over an open fire and pour the water into a tub just to bathe or do their laundry. If your water heater is not working properly, you need to schedule water heater repairs in Orlando, FL. Otherwise, you might have to resort to using cold water.

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