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Modern Plumbing Industries, Inc. Blog

Why You Should Consider Expanding Natural Gas Use in Your Home

Modern homes either use electricity to power their appliances or a combination of electricity and natural gas. Although there are a number of benefits to electrical use in a household, such as convenience and safety, there are also many good reasons to consider making the change to natural gas (if this is possible in your area) or expanding your current use of natural gas.

oing this requires the work of plumbers to put in gas pipes and install the new gas appliances. Working with gas lines is extremely hazardous for anyone who lacks training, and in most jurisdictions only licensed professional can work on any pipe or appliance connected to a gas main. Call our gas line technicians if you want to benefit from using natural gas in your home in Water Springs, FL and the surrounding areas.

Advantages of using gas appliances

  • Energy saving – Natural gas costs less than electricity. It is also more efficient: 92% of natural gas is delivered to your home as energy, as opposed to only 32% for electricity.
  • Always available – Unlike other alternate forms of energy in homes, such as propane and oil, natural gas comes to you from a municipal line. You don’t have to worry about missing scheduling a delivery.
  • Environmentally friendly – According to the U.S. EPA, using natural gas appliances in your home will reduce your carbon footprint by up to 30%.
  • Better heating – A furnace powered by natural gas supplies a larger amount of heat and supplies it much faster compared to electrically-powered heating systems.
  • A superior kitchen – Chefs around the world swear by gas-powered stoves and ovens because of how much easier and quicker they make meal preparation.
  • Domestically produced – More than 90% of the natural gas used in this country comes from domestic sources, rather than imported from overseas, according to the U.S. Department of Energy.

There are some safety concerns with using natural gas, but as long as you rely on professionals for installation and repairs, you should have few worries.

Modern Plumbing Industries, Inc. offers quality gas line and gas appliance installation. We have proudly served Central Florida since 1975.

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