Modern Plumbing Industries, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Apopka’

Watch Out for These Sewer Line Problems

Monday, November 15th, 2021

Your sewer line is one of those networks of plumbing that’s complicated because it’s difficult to both see and reach. This means that it’s also hard to detect when something has gone wrong with your sewer line. In general, we know that your sewer line is something that is easily overlooked when you’re thinking about your home as a whole. We want to do our best to change this because your sewer line is so important.

We know how easy it is for plumbing problems to creep up on you. It’s why we’re gathering some of the best sewer line tips below for you today. If you want a great plumber in Apopka, FL, then we have the person for you here on our team. You can get the services you need through our professionals. 

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How To Improve Your Plumbing

Monday, November 30th, 2020

We’re moving into the holiday season now. We just got past Thanksgiving, and we’re moving into all the festivities during December now. Your plumbing system is vital throughout the year, and it’s more important than ever now. You’re probably using this system more than ever now. That’s why it’s important to keep it in impeccable shape.

If you’re ever looking for help with your plumbing in Apopka, you can find exactly what you’re looking for with our professionals. Today though, we’re here to give you some helpful tips. You can keep these tips in mind to keep your plumbing in impeccable shape this holiday season.

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No Water From Your Taps? Read This!

Monday, December 30th, 2019

dripping-faucetThere is a wide variety of plumbing problems you can face that leave you dealing with both minor and major leaks. Leaks that can flood your home with water can be quite dangerous. However, the most annoying issue you can face is having no water from your taps at all.

If you’re facing the same problem, the chances are that you might not need to call an Apopka, FL, plumber to fix it. Depending on what’s wrong, you can clear up the issue yourself. For everything that requires expertise and tools, you can call in Modern Plumbing Industries, Inc. to handle the situation.

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Slab Leaks are BIG Deal! Here’s How You Can Tell if You Have One!

Monday, October 21st, 2019

frustrated-customerOf course, any issue with your plumbing system can seem like a pretty big deal. However, not many are quite as problematic as a slab leak. You see, these leaks can go months and months before they’re detected, and once they are, they have usually caused a significant amount of damage!

Fortunately, there are a number of signs that suggest you’ve got a slab leak in your home, and below, have listed some of them for you. All you’ve got to do is keep reading to find out more (and of course, remember to call our team when you need an Apopka plumber!)

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Pinhole Leaks are a Big Deal!

Monday, June 3rd, 2019

Most plumbing issues can be hard to detect, and unless you’ve got an overflowing toilet, a major pipe burst, or a flooded basement, you might not know that you’ve got a problem until it’s too late. You see, most of your plumbing system is hidden from view, either underneath floors or behind walls. This makes it quite difficult to spot those seemingly harmless issues.

Pinhole leaks are a big deal, and often, they exist in homes for quite some time before they’re discovered. So below, we have outlined why pinhole leaks are a big deal, the consequences of them, and the signs that you’ve got one. So, keep reading to find out more! 

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Don’t Ignore a Leaky Faucet!

Monday, February 25th, 2019

Sometimes, what you might believe is a minor inconvenience might actually be somewhat of a big deal. This is especially true when it comes to your plumbing system. Your plumbing system is much larger and much more complex than you might realize, as the majority of it is hidden behind walls and underneath floors. This is why something as ‘minuscule’ as a leaky faucet requires immediate attention.

If you have found yourself dealing with a drippy faucet, don’t ignore it! We recommend having your faucet repaired by a professional plumber in Apopka, FL ASAP — for a number of different reasons. A steady drip can easily cause serious damage to your home, property, and your wallet. Below, we have outlined just some of the many reasons why you need to hire a problem at the first sign of this problem. 

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All-Too Common Kitchen Sink Plumbing Problems

Monday, June 18th, 2018

pouring-water-in-kitchenThe kitchen sink is at the center of your kitchen and most of your food preparation and clean-up. When sink problems strike in the kitchen, you’ll notice them right away and want them fixed as soon as possible. Below are the most frequent problems that can a plague kitchen sink. A few you can resolve yourself, but most will require you call a licensed plumber in Apopka, FL to fix. Don’t let an amateur try the more complex repairs, since an improperly repaired kitchen sink can lead to water leakage, the development of mold and mildew, and many other future problems.

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What Sets a Professional Plumber Above the Rest?

Monday, March 12th, 2018

wrenchesPlumbing is a part of a house that people often think they can repair themselves. You might be able to change the washers on a sink or put in aerators, but other jobs require a plumber. Not an amateur who makes big promises for low prices! You need to hire an actual professional plumber with the right training and credentials.

What sets a professional plumber above an amateur? It’s more than just training, although that’s a good place to start. There are some important qualities that set a professional plumber apart.

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How a Water Softener Can Save Your Water Heater

Monday, January 29th, 2018

Orlando-Water -eaterHard water is bad news for a home in many ways. Here are a few:

  • It makes it tough to work up soap lather, turning simple cleaning and showering into hassles.
  • It leaves buildup on the inside of pipes that lowers water pressure and leads to clogs.
  • It stains laundry and dishes and leads to faded clothing.

But worst of all the problems with hard water is what it does to water-using appliances. The water heater is the most vulnerable. Hard water and a water heater are a bad mixture—and it usually ends tragically for the water heater.

We recommend you call a plumber in Apopka, FL if you have hard water in your home. A plumber can install the best solution—a whole-house water softener. This fixes all the problems we mentioned above, and it may save your water heater from an early replacement.

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What Is the Difference Between Hybrid Water Heaters and Other Water Heaters?

Wednesday, November 12th, 2014

You may be surprised to learn that there are several different options available to homeowners looking to find a new water heater near Apopka, FL. You’re probably most familiar with the traditional storage tank water heater, which relies on a large tank and the heat rising principle to heat water. A long tube sends cool water down to the bottom of the tank, where a burner or electric heating element then heats up the water. Hot water naturally rises to the top of the tank and is sucked through a tube and brought into the pipes when you turn on a hot water tap in the home.

For people with gas-powered storage tank water heaters, particularly with high-efficiency systems, this can be a rather efficient way to heat up water. A storage tank water heater must stay on throughout the day to keep hot water available. This means that there is a lot of standby energy loss; energy is used all day to heat water that you will only use a few times a day. However, natural gas is generally less costly than electricity. If your water heater can only run on electricity, you may end up spending a lot more, unless you choose another type of unit.

Many people who rely on electricity to heat up water choose a tankless water heater. A tankless water heater instead heats up the water on demand, sending water through a heat exchanger which begins to heat up as soon as you turn on a hot water tap and turns off immediately after you’re finished. Still, some people are dissatisfied with tankless units because they can take a long time to heat up water. Besides, you may need multiple tankless units to accommodate large households, at a much higher cost.

Enter the hybrid water heater. This is a traditional storage tank water heater with a twist: it uses a heat pump to heat up the water. A heat pump is a device that moves heat from one area from another. In this case, the water heater uses a fan to draw in air from the surrounding area. An evaporator coil contains refrigerant which absorbs heat from the air. As refrigerant moves through the compressor, it’s heated up even more. It then flows through a heat exchanger so it can heat up the water in the tank. This is a far more energy efficient way to produce heat and keep hot water available at all times.

Modern Plumbing Industries, Inc. (MPI) has a wide variety of water heaters available, including traditional units, tankless water heaters, hybrid systems, and even solar-powered units. Call us today to find the perfect water heater for your home in Apopka, FL.

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