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Modern Plumbing Industries, Inc. Blog

How a 24-Hour Plumber Can Help You

Let’s face it, emergencies don’t always occur during typical office hours. Imagine if the Emergency Room was only open Monday through Friday from 9:00-5:00? A lot of people would be in some serious trouble! Well, the same applies to your plumbing system. When an emergency strikes, you want to be sure that there is a technician ready to help you, no matter the hour.

There is a wide range of plumbing issues that constitute emergencies, so don’t be afraid to pick up your phone! Waiting until the morning could spell significant damage to your home and property. Trust us, plumbing emergencies can be quite messy, so you’ll want the problem resolved as soon as possible.

Types of Plumbing Emergencies

Overflowing Toilet

As you can imagine, an overflowing toilet is something that causes many homeowners to panic—and for good reason! Not only will you no longer have use of the toilet, but there is potential for water damage and unhygienic situations. If you find yourself in this predicament, call an emergency plumber right away.

Burst Pipe

This is something that happens more often in the winter. When a pipe freezes, there is a rise in pressure along the pipe due to the ice. This can cause the pipe to burst. When a pipe bursts, water escapes into your home. This heavy flow of water can cause some serious damage to your property and furnishings. If you notice a pipe has burst, shut off the main water line and contact an emergency plumber as quickly as you can.

Sewer Line Blockage

If you’ve noticed that multiple drains around your home have become clogged or slow,  you most likely have a major problem deep within your drainage system. Your main sewer line is responsible for removing all of the wastewater from your home. If you notice the aforementioned tell-tale signs, contact a plumber before the situation worsens. A blocked sewer line can lead to sewage backing up into your home, which is definitely an emergency! Only a trained plumber will be able to tell if the problem lies within your sewer line. Their experience allows them to pinpoint the exact source of the problem and repair it before it becomes any worse.

Main Water Line Leak

There are a few big signs that indicate that your main water line is in jeopardy. If you notice water pooling in your lawn or in your basement, a sudden growth of mold, or no water coming from the taps, call a professional right away. A main line water leak will lead to very serious damage if left unattended.

A 24-hour plumber can help you in even the most dire of situations. If you need a 24-Hour plumber in Orlando, FL, you can count on Modern Plumbing Industries, Inc.! Our plumbers are equipped and prepared to handle most repairs on the spot, so we can get your system up and running again in no time! You can call us anytime for emergency plumbing repairs.

If you need 24-Hour Emergency Plumbing Repairs, contact Modern Plumbing Heating, Inc. right away!

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