Modern Plumbing Industries, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Winter Springs’

4 Signs You Need Bathroom Plumbing Repairs

Monday, May 9th, 2016

The bathroom(s) in your house use the most water of any of its room. The toilet alone can account for 40% of the plumbing system’s monthly fresh water consumption. It’s vital that the plumbing in the bathroom remains in excellent repair. Leaks and other problems will waste enormous amounts of water and can rapidly create extensive damage that is extremely expensive to mitigate.

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Do I Need a Water Treatment System for My Home?

Monday, April 25th, 2016

Because of recent events in the news, people are more aware of the possible dangers for their health in water that comes to their houses from the municipal system. Homeowners want to know if they should have some type of water treatment system installed, such as a reverse osmosis filter, whole-house filter, or water softener.

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Common Reasons for Kitchen Drain Clogs

Monday, April 11th, 2016

One of the most common service calls that professional plumbers receive is in regards to drain clogs. Having a clogged kitchen sink is inconvenient and can also be time-consuming to take care of. There are ways we can help you maintain your kitchen plumbing in order to keep drain lines clear and free of clogs, but as you know, not all issues are 100% unavoidable. Keep reading to discover some of the most common reasons for kitchen drain clogs.

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Losing Water Pressure in Your Building? You May Need Booster Pump Repairs!

Monday, March 14th, 2016

Most commercial building depend on indoor plumbing in some fashion, whether for the bathrooms or as an essential part of running a food service company. You probably don’t know much about how the plumbing in your commercial building operates, which is understandable since this is a highly specialized field of plumbing that require years of training. You’re probably not aware of a device called the booster pump, but for companies that use a high volume of water or have multiple floors in their buildings, this is a key device for keeping up water pressure throughout the plumbing. Buildings with four or more floors will probably require more than one booster pump.

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Why You Should Consider Expanding Natural Gas Use in Your Home

Monday, February 29th, 2016

Modern homes either use electricity to power their appliances or a combination of electricity and natural gas. Although there are a number of benefits to electrical use in a household, such as convenience and safety, there are also many good reasons to consider making the change to natural gas (if this is possible in your area) or expanding your current use of natural gas.

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Answering Some Common Questions about Tankless Water Heaters

Monday, February 15th, 2016

Although the tankless water heater is becoming more popular in the U.S. with each year, many homeowners are still unsure about whether they can really benefit from having one of these systems installed. We would like to address a few of the questions that consumers often ask regarding tankless water heaters.

“Are tankless water heaters a recent invention?”

No. In fact, the first tankless waters heaters were invented more than a hundred years ago, not long after the start of production of the first storage tank water heaters. However, these first tankless systems had poor energy efficiency and performance. Only within the past few decades has the technology matured to the stage where tankless models are very competitive in the market.

“What kind of energy source do tankless water heaters use?”

Tankless systems come in either electric or natural gas models. Electric models are usually installed only for a single appliance, however, or for a cabin or guest house. Gas models are the best choice for whole-house water heating, and can help immensely with energy savings.

“Is switching from a tank to a tankless water heater a good idea?”

It’s actually a great idea. We understand that people are often afraid of a technology with which they are unfamiliar, but tankless water heaters really are the future. Other developed nations have almost completely switched over to tankless water heating systems. And it isn’t difficult for professional installers to make the replacement for your home.

“Are tankless systems unreliable?”

This is the myth that most often holds people back from choosing to go with a tankless water heater. If you hear that a tankless water heater is prone to breaking down and losing the ability to supply enough heated water, it’s almost certainly coming from outdated information that’s more than 10 years old. Currently tankless systems are more reliable than standard tank models.

If you have more questions about tankless water heaters, call the experts at Modern Plumbing Industries, Inc. We’re ready to arrange for your new water heater installation in Winter Springs, FL.

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Some Signs to Tell You Need to Replace Your Bathroom Toilet

Monday, February 1st, 2016

The bathroom toilet is about as essential as a home plumbing fixtures can get. Your toiler receives daily use and you probably don’t expend much other thought it. In fact, it’s easy to assume that a toilet will simply go on performing its useful function, day after day, with only a few occasional repair problems.

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Are You Losing Water Pressure in Your Commercial Building?

Monday, January 11th, 2016

A loss of water pressure in a home is often a sign of something wrong with the water line that brings freshwater to the house from the municipal source. It could also indicate large leaks in other parts of the plumbing. It’s something you’ll want fixed as soon as you can arrange it.

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Are There Any Dangers to Using a Tankless Water Heater?

Monday, December 28th, 2015

We do a great deal of work with many types of water heaters, and the gas-powered tankless water heater is one that we often recommend to our customers. The technology of heating water for a home without a tank has existed for a long time, but it wasn’t until the last few decades that it became practical and effective. Now it the technology is so effective that tankless units have become the major residential water heating system in Europe and are growing in popularity in the U.S. all the time.

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The Benefits of Hydro-Jetting for Your Drain Cleaning

Monday, December 14th, 2015

Drain cleaning is a job that you’ll need either to deal with an obstinate clog or as a routine maintenance service that will keep the drains in good shape, reducing those obstinate clogs to a minimum. But drain cleaning isn’t a job that you can take on as a DIY project. You can use a sink plunger or simple hand-crank drain auger (drain snake) to clear out easy clogs, but these tools won’t actually clean the drains. They leave behind the debris and build-up on the drain walls that led to the clogging in the first place. If you want clogging and slow drains beaten at the source, you need to call professionals to do the drain cleaning.

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